Not only does the SAMH Virtual Stomp help you support Scotland’s mental health, but it helps you protect your own wellbeing too.

We know staying connected with our loved ones can make a big difference to our mental health - Virtual Stomp is the perfect chance for you to unite with family and friends and do something special together, whether it be virtually or in your household group.

Virtual Stomp is also the perfect excuse to get moving which isn’t just good for our physical health; it’s also proven to have a positive effect on our mental health and wellbeing.

In these challenging times, it is more important than ever that we unite to show our support for Scotland’s mental health.

In this video from the 2019 Stomp at BT Murrayfield, hear from former Stompers about why it was important to them to take part.

How your support helps

By fundraising you can truly help us transform lives:


could help the SAMH Information Service provide phone and email support for people seeking support with their mental health


could fund our work in preventing suicide by delivering intervention training, vital research and creating information


could provide one-to-one support for children and young people who have been rejected from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

People need our help with their mental health and wellbeing now more than ever.

It is only with your support that we can continue to be there for people when they need us the most.